At Beaminster St Mary’s Academy, we have ensured that our carefully crafted connected curriculum balances the national expectations as well as incorporating a range of experiences which will allow all of our children to flourish. It is our vision for the children to see the connections in their learning and how these contribute to their aspirations for success and enjoyment.
Through clear, strategic and bespoke planning, our curriculum is aspirational, dynamic and is adapted to the individual needs of the children and the context of our school community. Our connected curriculum incorporates age related expectations which combine the acquisition of knowledge and development of skills to create a purposeful and exciting learning journey for every child.
Our connected curriculum has high expectations and ensures progression of knowledge, transferable skills and understanding which are carefully planned, reviewed and adapted regularly to ensure that children’s learning builds for success and enjoyment.
Our connected curriculum incorporates inviting learning environments which stimulate and engage high quality thinking and reasoning through holistic approaches to teaching and learning. Our children are given opportunities to discuss and reflect upon their learning through effective feedback, which will support them to progress and attain.
We ensure that all of our children receive a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum through which we support children with their specific needs. Through our curriculum, we aim to provide educational experiences which take into account the individual needs of children, appropriate to their level of ability. We have established a robust graduated response system which works in parallel with our curriculum, enabling all children to be successful, through early identification of need and effective interventions.
We are committed to ensuring that all staff are able to develop curriculum pedagogy, through high quality CPD, research and coaching opportunities.