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St Mary's Academy

Where children come first; belonging and building together










Children should be sent to school clean, tidy and appropriately dressed. Long hair must be tied back. It is of great help if children have been taught to manage buttons, laces and zips before starting school. PLEASE ENSURE ALL CLOTHING AND BELONGINGS ARE NAMED.



Black/grey trousers, in the summer black/grey shorts may be worn.

Royal Blue polo shirts and a St Mary’s Academy Sweatshirt.



Black/grey skirts or trousers

Royal Blue polo shirts, St Mary’s Academy Sweatshirt or Cardigan

Blue and white checked dresses may be worn in the summer.



Sensible dark coloured shoes are required for both boys and girls. Brightly coloured trainers, crocs and slip on dolly shoes are not acceptable types of footwear. Children who come to school repeatedly in bright coloured or unsuitable shoes will be asked to change into their trainers.


Children in Early Years (reception) are also required to have a pair of wellington boots in school. These should be clearly named and clipped together with a clothes peg.


PE, Games and Swimming

Key stage 1 - black shorts, short sleeve white t-shirt or blue school polo shirt and trainers.

Key stage 2 - black shorts, short-sleeved white t-shirt or blue school polo shirt and trainers.

In the winter, dark coloured tracksuit bottoms can be worn. School sweatshirts/hoddies must be worn.

No sports branded items are to be worn. 


PE kits are to be worn to school on class PE days.


Children may have the opportunity to swim during the school year and will need a costume, swimming hat and towel, in school for their swimming sessions.


Jewellery, make up and nail varnish

For Health and Safety reasons, school policy advises that jewellery should not be worn. Watches may be worn but remain the responsibility of the child. If you are considering pierced ears for your child please ensure that this is done during the summer holidays, so that if possible the earrings can be removed at home when your child attends school. If earrings need to be worn please ensure they are plain stud earrings. Make up and nail varnish should not be worn in school. Any child wearing nail polish will be asked to remove it.
