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St Mary's Academy

Where children come first; belonging and building together







Parent Questionnaires

Summer Questionnaire 2022


Dear Parents and Carers,


During the summer term many of you kindly completed the DSAT parental questionnaire. We really do appreciate the time you took to give us your thoughts on the school. In July I did include some headlines from the questionnaire but wanted to share your thoughts/ feelings in a little more depth.


Our main three strengths were seen as the following:


  • You feel it is easy to contact the school if you need to.
  • You do feel confident that you can discuss complex issues openly with us.
  • You are aware of the Trust and its role for the school.


Our three biggest areas for development are the following:


  • You do not feel as informed as you should be about your child’s homework.
  • You do not feel informed as to how well your child is doing socially.
  • You are not confident that being part of the Trust is beneficial for our pupils.


We will be working on these three areas as well as some others over the coming year. Hopefully if you attended the ‘Meet the Teacher’ sessions, the class teachers would have spoken about homework expectations. If you couldn’t attend then their presentations are on their class pages on our website or you happily speak to a teacher at the end of the day. As for being informed about your child socially we will endeavour to talk to you about this as often as we can. For the final point having worked for a number of Trusts, I can honestly say that I feel as your Headteacher the Trust does give us lots of support and hopefully we will be able to communicate that across the year.


We do appreciate all the comments we receive, both good and bad and do try to act upon them – whether we receive them as part of questionnaires, in emails or even informally at the gate. They all help in our unwavering desire to create an amazing school for our children.


Kind Regards,


Mr. Marklew


