Ofsted recognise "significant improvement" at St Mary's, Beaminster since converting to an academy
This is an improvement from the school’s last Ofsted inspection in 2013, which put the school into special measures and led to St Mary’s converting to an academy under the Diocese of Salisbury Academy Trust (DSAT).
During the two days the inspectors were at the school, they commented on many positives, and said: “Pupils are provided with a broad and enriched curriculum promoting their social, moral, spiritual and cultural development.” They also said that “children demonstrate respect and tolerance for the views of others” and “leaders take effective action to ensure that general behaviour and conduct around the school promotes a safe and secure environment for pupils”.
The inspectors recognised the school’s “significant improvement” since converting to an academy.
They recognised that “current rates of progress are accelerating” and that there have been “significant improvements in teaching and learning over time”. They reported that teaching in the early years is effective and inspectors reported that “children get a good start to their education and are well prepared for their next stage in learning” and “pupils’ outcomes in the year one phonics checks are rapidly improving”.
Jessica Teasdale, chair of the local governing board, said: “Governors are working with the school to make improvement plans tighter and more precise, to secure the best outcomes for the children as the school continues to improve.
“All staff and governors, together with DSAT, are committed to ensuring all pupils achieve to their full potential.”
Headteacher Teri Goodinson said: “The staff, together with the governors have worked very hard to pull the school out of special measures.
“We recognise that there is still work to do and are committed to making the improvements needed.
“Since converting to an academy, the school’s end of Key Stage Two standards have improved year on year and we will continue our drive to further improve outcomes for all our pupils.”
Extracts taken from an article by Lottie Welch at View News 29th March 2017.
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